Discover how SRSI helped ONE COMPANY SAVE MILLIONS while maintaining a smooth & effective flow of materials.
Find out how our automation and warehouse information systems can super charge your operations and take you light years ahead of your competition!

Claim our FREE, No-obligation Operations Assessment and Strategy Call PLUS A Case Study of Our Client
We are all about the numbers. Tangible, measurable results that you cannot deny. You have a problem, we provide the solution. It’s that simple.
At SRSI, we speak operations. Dedicated turnkey systems integrators, designers, and project managers delivering more than customer satisfaction.
While building optimized solutions is paramount to the goals of SRSI, building lasting relationships is too. SRSI has gathered talented, like-minded professionals to partner with to ensure smooth, professional, and skilled implementation of your inventory storage and processing strategy. To that end, our team stands ready to take on your warehousing challenge.

Marked improvement in quality and improvement in cycle times.

Implementation of our technology will help you drive up savings.

Our material handling solutions and warehousing optimization systems are guaranteed to help you lead in your market.

Request Action Project Information and Documentation Systems or RAPIDS allows you to see operations from a new perspective.

SRSI will support you in training everyone on your team. We are committed to staying connected with our customers and ready to help whenever necessary.
Claim our FREE, No-obligation Operations Assessment and Strategy Call PLUS A Case Study of Our Client
“SRSI’s put wall solution has been one of the most impactful process improvements we have made with our customer since the inception of our contract. We saw an immediate improvement in quality and improvement in cycle times. It also helped produce a consistent output of kits.
All in all, we’ve been able to manage through a 30% increase in kit volume – all while working from the same footprint, minimal increase in headcount, and with no significant increase in overtime spend. I would highly recommend utilizing SRSI put wall for any operation involving a high volume of sorts or in operations.”